Copyright 2002. Fighterguppy Fanzine and Fighterguppy Radio are registered trademarks by Lynn Gettman. No portion of this subject may be performed or reproduced by any means, quoted or published in any medium without prior consent of Lynn Gettman. You can contact the editor on our contact page. All Rights Reserved. Please Respect the individual copyrights within this fanzine. The opinions expressed in this fanzine do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Fighterguppy Fanzine (TM) staff. They are the sole property of the person who created them.
This is our temporary credit page until we get the real one working proper. I don't know why Java script has decided to hate me. All the other javas in this web don't. I mean I've wrote poetry to it, I took it to the 5 star restaurant of it's choice and STILL STILL it rebels against me. So I vent. Lynn Gettman Guardian Angel Entertainment Eva Santos Darren Jones Lauri Jo Chapman Rick Chapman Icky Baby and The Nitro Blues Kings Robbie Gennet ForeFront Records BandBitch Stan Duquette Media Relations---Internet Media Newswire Leona Brown Rob Wheeler Linda's Stargazer's Lounge Scarlet Crush INXS My Parents Holiday World Productions David de Los Santos Fusion Rock Serrated View Soul Taker Allaina M Miller bart b Hellbent 1363 Sorry by Glue Tom Farnell Chris Bright Seth Maxwell d-sm Zack M Pamela Rodriguez dro5s Mack Corl Bill Page Iceman345 Jeremy Vangelder Evan Stepowany Jenn Domox Spider Queen Alex Bylund Scott Hubert Brian Sandefur John Lee Wise Blood Stephen Cooper Ryan Kallok Ntensedsign Joshua Camara A big thank you and hug to all the people who are listed above, without them these pages would be blank. The web radio station credits are listed on each song that plays. They also deserve a hug and a thank you as well. To everyone who reads this, thank you for your support!!!
IT'S FREE!!!!!